The Hero’s Journey- The Call to Adventure

Last time in our discussion of the Hero’s Journey we looked at The World of Common Day. Today we will venture into the excitement of The Call to Adventure. The Call to Adventure In this progression of the ordinary Joe Shmoe becoming a hero, we see that there is a moment when the safety netContinue reading “The Hero’s Journey- The Call to Adventure”

Exercise 2: Character Dimensions

Today I am bringing to you one of the lessons from the Writing the Breakout Novel Workbook by David Maass. This book is chock full of amazing ways to refine your manuscript and give your story that extra je ne sais quoi. I’m enjoying this book so much that I thought I would show youContinue reading “Exercise 2: Character Dimensions”


Now that I have reached this milestone, I had to formally thank every single blogger out there who has followed my blog. I have officially reached 50 blog follows, and it means the world to me. Some of you might think it’s nothing to get 50 follows, but it is quite humbling to me.Continue reading “50 FOLLOWS!!”

Return of the Grammar Nazi- Part 1

“Great,” you say sarcastically. “Someone really posted about grammar?” Yes, yes, someone did, and this post might just save your life. There are a million books out there about grammar. (Okay, maybe not a million, but there sure are a lot.) The best of which, and most comical in my humble opinion, (and, no, IContinue reading “Return of the Grammar Nazi- Part 1”

The Write Nook

Where writing comes to life.

Dread Poets Sobriety

Irreverence's Glittering New Low!


It can only get it beta right?


An Empyrean Cycle

Muses of Life

Deceptive thoughts to obstruct affliction...

Little Fears

Tales of humour, whimsy and courgettes


welcome to my metaphors

Eclipsed Words

Aspire To Inspire

A Writer's Soul

"Diving into a writers soul is discovering the broken treasure and beautiful mysteries that make you gasp for air."

A Note From Abroad

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sailaway from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~ Mark Twain


Welcome to my world.

hippie cahier!

charles french words reading and writing

An exploration of writing and reading